Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Bangalore Blues - Vol 1

Men,This is the new and improved version of the letter from Bangalore. Since matters that are not perceivable by the limited range of the human mind that you guys possess, we have found it inevitable that such accomplished writers as Ram and myself have to bring out the issues together. Here are the latest from the Bangalore grapevine. We are right now dealing with a wide gamut of crises in the city...Ram has a midlife crisis, I have doubts over the essential concept of life, Thimings has a career best cold (You guys would certainly not have forgotten the Great Thalai cold which nearly spanned almost a year- well double it and you might arrive somewhere near Thiming's current bout. Sooner or later, thimings would cough out his insides and I'll have a hell lot of work cleaning the misery) and last but by no means the least, Prem Kumar is still alive.

You might be aware of Ram's unsuccessful foray into romance. He fell in love with some girls and anti-social elements like Kandy and Narayanan launched detailed research and found out that men wont fall for those girls even for charity. Ram had to accept defeat (accept that the girls really looked awful) more than once and this even got doubts in a seasoned Ram watcher like me. Then came Shresta Sinha into Ram's life (the only advantage being Kandy was never able to see her to size her up) and we contemplated various options like kidnapping her in an omni or Ram raping her in the Wipro canteen. But since she was a Bihari and since Ram had a none too strange wish to live, we decided it ain't worth the effort. On top of everything, Ram's PM from across the pond has come back and spoiled the tranquility- this will explain the mid-life crisis to an extent though you have to be in the scenic splendour of the Thames to understand quite clearly.

As usual, we are trying our best to drive home a few points into Prem Kumar's head. The first one being the essential concept of his existance which everyone execpt Prem Kumar seem to understand. Among other things, we are giving our best to get Prem to attend some big company's interview (I told him that he should use the boom in the industry and try to go to a better salary but he said; in a slump, Mindtree would not fire anyone...typical Prem Kumar-ean philosophy) OK guys since I have a headache, wait for the next edition


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